Rii, another of our friends out there in Blogdom, wrote in her Yahoo 360 a couple of years ago about how replacing all the silver fillings (amalgam) in her teeth vastly improved her health, and I was that intrigued by her experience that I did a little bit of online investigating myself.
Several years before this, I remembered my own dentist giving me the option of having my amalgam fillings replaced with white composite, and telling him at the time it didn't seem necessary. This discussion took place prior to my car crash in 2001, and since my immune system and general health has been compromised in various ways since then, when I read about Rii's positive experience I decided to look into this further.
I discovered that many people are in favour of this procedure, and in spite of the costs involved to replace the fillings and initial discomfort at having the new composite settle within the teeth, the benefits are worth it.
A holistic medicine site (one site among others) had information posted on their page discussing the toxicity of amalgam and the risks for using it or not replacing existing fillings, and some of it is downright frightening, citing mercury toxicity being responsible for neurological problems and gastrointestinal problems among many other symptoms.
It also states,
"Obviously, not everyone experiences acute toxicity effects from the mercury in amalgam fillings. However, virtually everyone does have mercury build up in their bodies from implantation of such fillings. The large increase in mercury exposure from the newer non-gamma-2 mercury fillings means that only time will tell how much damage has been caused by daily exposure to mercury to such fillings.
I do not recommend that people assume automatically that they will be healed by the removal of amalgam fillings. Many people are helped tremendously and some are healed. The 80% figure for people showing improvement within a year likely refers to people who had good reason to suspect that they were being significantly effected by the fillings. The percentage of people in the general population who might experience health improvement within one year after removal is probably much lower than 80%. I recommend going into the mercury amalgam removal procedure knowing that, at the very least, you will have removed yourself from a regular exposure to an extremely toxic material such that it will not build up in your organs and possibly cause significant health problems at a later date."
In my own personal case, I had six molar amalgam fillings replaced over the course of the last two months (with the last two replaced last week). If there is any significant difference or change in my health I will let you know.
Let me inject (ow) a little levity into this serious subject by sharing one of my all time favourite TV bits with you from The Carol Burnett Show :
I remember Rii's posting about this, and I was really shocked to learn that so much of our over all health is related to our dental health. I so hope that it goes well for you GG!! I want you feeling super great and healthy again :))
And omg, that skit from Carol Burnett is hilarious! I love those two, and one of my favorite things about that show was how much fun the people had doing it! I love when they are struggling not to laugh!! I think my all-time favorite Carol Burnett skit has to be the Gone with the Wind one . . . when she comes down those stairs in her curtain dress with the curtain rod still on and the tassle for a hat . . . omg, I lose it! And then it's just something she saw in the window and had to have . . . roflmao
YES! The Gone With The Wind skit is my fav too, the writers of that piece should've won an Emmy for that (did they?! LOL)... What a great show that was! It was one of the best variety shows on TV, in my opinion.
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